La dernière Semaine d’études « Chimie et Sciences des matériaux » a eu lieu du 2 au 7 février 2020. Avec le soutien d’expert·e·s des Universités de Bâle, Genève, Fribourg et de l’EPFLainsi que de partenaires de l’industrie chimique et pharmaceutique (Bachem, BASF, Hoffmann – La Roche et Syngenta), 40 étudiant·e·s ont effectué des recherches en menant un total de 35 projets différents. Dans l’après-midi du 7 févriertous les projets ont été présentés au public dans la salle de l’Institut Adolf Merkle de Fribourg.  



I really had a great time in the lab with my tutor. I learned lots of things that even helped me for school. I am much more interested in studying chemistry than I was before. 

Julia Shea, Lycée Denis de Rougemont 


It was an amazing study week. I was able to gain some experience in the lab, meet incredible people and practice writing scientific paper (poster, presentation as well as project report). Thanks to this week I now know that I would like to do my internship and Matura paper in chemistry field. 

Anna Zakharenko, Alte Kantonsschule Aarau 


It was a great experience; I learned a lot of things and I had the opportunity to work in lab and concretize what I have studied in the past years. I highly recommend participating in the study week also because I met many new people and it was an unforgettable experience.  

Martino Glavanone, Liceo Cantonale di Lugano 1 


The study week was great! I loved the project, which was very interesting. During the study week I was also able to meet new people and I had the opportunity to practice my English, German and French.  

Janna Pinto, Schweizerschule Barcelona, Spanien 


Final Reports 


>>> Uni Basel 

>>> Uni Genf 

>>> Uni Fribourg mit dem Adolphe-Merkle-Institute 

>>> EPFL 

>>> Industriepartner (Bachem, BASF, Hoffmann – La Roche, Syngenta)