International Swiss Talent Forum 2025
The Topic of our 14th ISTF is:
The Future of Work
Future research presents a diversified picture of the Future of Work: human skills remain in demand, but long-term jobs become scarcer. Flexibility and lifelong learning become essential. Employers must address fears, while employees must take on more responsibility.
The future workplace will be heterogeneous, with remote work, freelancing, and other new forms of employment and organisational structures. Every organisation, whether a startup, a local small or medium- sized business, or an international corporation, must continuously engage with new possibilities.
Technology will be even more intertwined with human creation and should be tailored to the needs of each organisation, bringing opportunities and challenges for leaders and teamwork. It is on the one side an enabler –providing mobile and interconnected work environments, or through the support of digital assistants – but the risk looms of losing swarm intelligence – fuelled by direct human interactions and spontaneous discussions in the physical space?
At the International Swiss Talent Forum 2025, we want to shape the Future of Work and put people at the centre.
Join us and explore the future of this highly challenging and exciting topic – we look forward to welcoming you to ISTF25!
“I’ve never met so many awesome friends in such a short space of time. I was up every day from 6:30am to 2am and I didn’t even feel tired because there was always another interesting conversation with another interesting person on the horizon. I had one of the best times of my life.” Ali, UK
Schedule ISTF 2025
Tuesday, 18 – Saturday, 22 February 2025
Centre Loewenberg, Murten (FR), Switzerland
70 highly motivated young adults aged 18 to 23 years. Please note that participation is possible on invitation only.
Official language