Expert Info

Bring in Your Expertise as Topic Leader, Challenger or Impulse Speaker

Important Information

Your Expertise as Key Element of the ISTF

A key element of the ISTF is the expertise that the participants can benefit from. As a foundation, we depend on experts to contribute on an honorary basis. We therefore look for experts to cover the following roles:

Topic Leader

Recognised expert in the topic area of the respective forum. The tasks of the Topic Leader include the keynote speech at the beginning of the forum (thematic introduction), the moderation of the panel discussion with the Challengers and, if possible, on-site content support. 


Specialists from research or industry who formulate and make available reallife problems as “challenges” in line with the annual ISTF topic. The challenges must fit into the thematic landscape and have a certain independence and longevity. In addition to formulating a challenge as a mission briefing (mission, success factors, goals and expectations of the output), it is the task of the challengers to support the content of the two participant groups assigned to them on site and to evaluate the work at the end. 

Impulse Speakers

Provide insight on a specific subject matter or methodology/process aspect of the forum through a presentation. 


Get in touch

Are you interested to contribute to the ISTF with your expertise as a Challenger or Topic Leader?

Julián Cancino

Programme Leader


Schweizer Jugend forscht
Aarbergergasse 40
CH-3011 Bern


+41 31 511 52 55